Attorneys of
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A non-profit organization created to enhance the representation of criminal defendants in Clark County, Washington.
Supporting the defense of the accused
In hac habitassOur organization was formed by dedicated criminal defense attorneys in Clark County, Washington, in the interest of improving conditions for those fighting criminal charges. In our county, most prosecutors are in large offices with the power of a large organization behind them, but defense attorneys are not... Clark County needed a united voice for criminal defense attorneys to help us stand up for the rights of everyone. Our members are passionate about our role and about defending our neighbors and the state and federal constitutions. This is what we do.
1200 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98660
The Criminal Defense Attorneys of Clark County (CDACC) is comprised of attorneys and law students providing criminal defense services in the local courts. The organization seeks to improve the quality and administration of the criminal justice system by insuring the rule of law and promoting the rights embodied in the Constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Washington in defense of those criminally accused; to encourage and support criminal defense practitioners to that end; to provide a voice for those professionals to be heard; and to engage in other activities to promote fairness and equality in the due administration of justice, and the common good in Clark County, Washington.
Morbi pellentesque, mauris interdum porta tincidunt, neque orci molestie mauris, vitae iaculis dolor felis at nunc. Maecenas eu diam a leo porta interdum. In non massa quis odio feugiat sagittis. Quisque ac lorem. Maecenas ut sem sed ipsum suscipit malesuada. Nulla quis dui quis ante fermentum interdum. Proin eget est a augue vehicula mattis. Pellentesque sed nisi at nisi scelerisque iaculis. Phasellus orci. Nulla adipiscing. Suspendisse et leo vel elit ullamcorper gravida. Proin tempor, ligula ut tincidunt tempor, mauris nibh feugiat odio, nec tincidunt erat orci dictum purus. Etiam luctus odio.